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ObjectiveLib Object containers and generic algorithms for Objective-C
ocaml-base64 Base64 encoding and decoding in OCaml
ocaml-batteries Alternative standard library for OCaml
ocaml-cmdliner Module for the declarative definition of command line interfaces
ocaml-cppo C-style preprocessor for OCaml
ocaml-deriving-ocsigen Extension to OCaml for deriving functions from type declarations
ocaml-extlib Alternative standard library for OCaml
ocaml-findlib Library finder for OCaml
ocaml-js-build-tools OCaml build helper tools from Jane Street
ocaml-lwt Cooperative threading library for OCaml
ocaml-oasis Build system for OCaml projects
ocaml-odn Data dumping library for OCaml
ocaml-optcomp OCaml syntax extension for optional compilation
ocaml-ppx_core Standard library for OCaml ppx rewriters
ocaml-ppx_deriving Type-driven code generation for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_driver Feature-full driver for OCaml AST transformers
ocaml-ppx_optcomp Optional compilation for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_sexp_conv Generation of S-expression conversion functions from type definitions
ocaml-ppx_tools Tools for authors of OCaml ppx rewriters
ocaml-ppx_type_conv Support library for type-driven code generators
ocaml-re Pure OCaml regular expression library
ocaml-react OCaml module for functional reactive programming
ocaml-reactiveData Functional reactive programming library
ocaml-result OCaml compatibility library for Result module
ocaml-sexplib S-Expressions with Type Converters for OCaml
ocaml-type_conv Support library for OCaml preprocessor type conversions
ocamlbuild Build system for OCaml
ocamlgraph Graph library for OCaml
ocamlify Allows embedding external resources as OCaml code
ocamlmod Generate OCaml modules from source files
ode Library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics
ogre Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
okteta Hex Editor
omake Build system designed for scalability and portability
opal Open Phone Abstraction Library
open-vcdiff RFC 3284 encoder/decoder for VCDIFF Differencing and Compression
opencm Secure, high-integrity replacement for CVS
opengrok Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine
openocd Open On-Chip Debugger
openrcs OpenRCS is RCS clone from OpenBSD project
orc Compiler for vector operations
ossp-uuid C-API and command line tool for generating UUIDs
p5-accessors Perl module - create accessor methods in caller's package
p5-accessors-fast Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast
p5-Acme-Damn Perl5 module for 'unblessing' perl objects
p5-Acme-PlayCode Perl5 module for code transforming to avoid typical typing mistakes
p5-Algorithm-Annotate Perl module that provides cvs-annotate-like functionality
p5-Algorithm-C3 Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
p5-Algorithm-CheckDigits Perl extension to generate and test check digits
p5-Algorithm-Cluster (V) Perl interface to the C Clustering Library
p5-Algorithm-Dependency Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency tree
p5-Algorithm-Diff Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1)
p5-Algorithm-HowSimilar Perl module for computation of similarity amongst values
p5-Algorithm-Merge Perl module providing diff3(1)-like functionality
p5-Algorithm-Permute Perl module for generating permutations with object oriented interface
p5-aliased Perl 5 module for use of shorter versions of class names
p5-Alien-Packages Find information of installed packages
p5-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc Integrate AnnoCPAN notes locally into perldoc
p5-Any-Moose Perl extension to check dependencies on Moose or Mouse
p5-AnyEvent Simple API for io, timer and completion callbacks
p5-AnyEvent-AIO Perl 5 module providing truly asynchronous file and directory I/O
p5-AnyEvent-IRC Perl 5 event based IRC protocol client API
p5-AnyEvent-RabbitMQ RabbitMQ interface with AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-XMPP Implementation of the XMPP Protocol
p5-App-Cache Perl 5 module providing easy application-level caching
p5-App-CLI Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
p5-App-Cmd Perl 5 module to write command line apps with less suffering
p5-App-cpanminus Perl5 script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
p5-App-cpanoutdated Detect outdated CPAN modules in your environment
p5-App-FatPacker Perl5 module to pack your dependencies onto your script file
p5-App-perlbrew Manage perl installations in your /home/pkgsrc
p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar Progress bar for Perl prove(1)
p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar-Each Per-test-script progress bar for Perl prove(1)
p5-AppConfig Perl5 module for parsing config files and command line arguments
p5-AppConfig-Std AppConfig::Std Perl module
p5-Array-Compare Perl extension for comparing arrays
p5-Array-Diff Perl 5 module to diff two arrays
p5-Array-RefElem Set up array elements as aliases
p5-asa Perl 5 module to overload isa functions
p5-Async-Interrupt Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
p5-AtExit Provides an ANSI C style atexit() function to Perl programs
p5-Attribute-Lexical Sane scoping of function/variable attributes
p5-autobox Perl 5 module to add methods on native types
p5-autobox-Core Perl 5 module adding core built-in functions in primitive types
p5-Autodia Create documentation through templates
p5-autodie Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
p5-AutoLoader Perl automatic module loader
p5-autovivification Perl5 module to lexically disable autovivification
p5-AutoXS-Header Perl 5 module container for the AutoXS header files
p5-B-Compiling Expose PL_compiling to perl
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope Perl 5 module to execute code after a scope finished compilation
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation Perl 5 module to annotate and delegate hooked OPs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check Perl 5 module to wrap OP check callbacks
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV Invoke callbacks on construction of entersub OPs for certain CVs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes
p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr Hook into opcode execution
p5-B-Hooks-Parser Interface to perls parser variables
p5-B-Keywords Perl 5 module providing lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
p5-B-Utils Perl 5 module providing op tree manipulation helper functions
p5-BackPAN-Index Perl 5 module providing an interface to the BackPAN index